Tubular and Wire Pieces

Following on from the Decision pieces I became inspired to investigate similar ideas using tubular rather than plane forms, such ideas appearing in a series of many different small scale wire models some of which have been developed into full size works.

Wire models and maquettes
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These models were made with steel, aluminium and copper wires and painted with enamel.


Oh what a tangled web we weave…

Tangled a

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Not from Shakespeare as often thought but rather a line  from the poem Marmion written by Walter Scott at the beginning of the nineteenth century.

(copper, wood, stainless steel, enamel) 60H x 70 W x 50 D


Union of Opposites

Union a

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This piece was intended to convey the possible relationship of a duality be this between the male and female, the Yin and Yang or simply black and white. The two entwined opposites are further attached to each other by various other forces including a very energetic physical bond represented by the bright red element.

(copper, wood, stainless steel, enamel) 170H x 70 W x 90 D


Lust a

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In this representation, the two parts of the duality are again entwined but here conveying a sense of their just passing by each other at some speed and in opposing directions while their mutual attraction, albeit temporary, is greatly encouraged by their being enveloped by the energy of the physical bond.

(copper, wood, stainless steel, enamel)  60H x 190 W x 60 D

New tubular maquettes

Creatures a

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At the start of 2015, I became interested in combining some simpler shapes and these have now led towards making full size sculptures intended for outside locations. Besides the considerations of the visual aspects, this requires a great deal of attention being paid to the technical details of construction to ensure that the works will survive exposure to the natural elements. 


Spring b

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The first larger scale example developed from the ideas above is ‘Spring’ seen here from the first attempt to visualise the assembly to being placed in different garden environments.


In late 2015, I started a new series of smaller pieces again featuring tubes with spherical and conical terminations all suggesting different flowing eneries within varying forms.

A Dark Thought...

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During 2017, I had an incidental discussion about making some works to accompany an exhibition of historical Impressionist art. I was not to be involved with this project but it did compel me to almost immediately make a small model of an idea that was inspired by the conversation.

I liked this enough to then go ahead and fabricate a much larger and more developed version of the original idea.  

Summer a

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